The most powerful passport in 2023 is the Singapore passport which allows a total of 192 countries to travel visa free on arrival .
Compared to countries like Italy , Germany and Spain, Singapore has the most services and facilities available with its passport that’s why it’s ranked on the top among others .
Top Rankings Most Powerful Passport (2022 -2023)
Till 2022 Japan was the most prioritized country which provided visas to 192 countries and different territories . Japan passport drops down to 2nd position in 2023
Due to low visa allowance by Japan, Singapore raised in 2023 and from 2nd position it gained the first position in the list of 192 countries’ visa providers .
After Singapore there are Germany , Italy, Japan , South Korea , Spain and many more countries providing visas to up to 190 countries with multiple entries .
Henley Passport Index is an International global ranking of the countries according to the strength of password depending on the number of countries and several territories .
For Henly passport index normal citizens can access it without even having the need of their visa . The Henley password index was started in 2006 and works for 199 countries’ passwords annually . Henly passport index works with the help of the international air transport Association (ITAI) and several data of the countries related to passports.
Afghanistan has the weakest passport in terms of passport access . It only allowed 27 countries without any Visa access to the passport .
From recent resources and news, the Singapore passport is considered the most powerful passport globally . It is available in 193 countries for any type of needs for multiple entries.