Here are the fees you have to pay if you want to get a visa to Haiti:
Schengen Visa for adults: 80€
Schengen Visa for children between ages 6 and 12: 40€
Schengen Visa for children under 6: free Schengen Visa The fee for people from the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Moldova, and Georgia is 35€.
Transit Visa (A visa): 80 €
Transit visas cost 40€ for kids between the ages of 6 and 12.
Transit visas are free for children under 6 years old.
D Visa for people under 6 years old: 75€
D Visa for people over 6 years old: 150€
Visa for family members who have applied for asylum in Haiti who are under 35 but older than 6: 200€