Iraq Visa Eligibility

Iraq is a country located in Western Asia. It has a population of about 31 million and is bordered by Iran, Turkey, Syria, and Jordan.
To be eligible for a visa to Iraq, you must meet the following requirements:
- Be a national of one of the countries listed on the Iraqi visa waiver list.
- Not have any serious criminal convictions.
- Not having any health conditions that would make you ineligible to travel to Iraq.
- Have sufficient funds to cover your stay in Iraq.

You will need a visitor visa if you do not meet any of these requirements. Requirements for a Visitor Visa - Bangkok If you do not meet any of these requirements, you will need a visitor visa. Requirements include The application form is filled out accurately and signed by the applicant (along with copies). Two passport-sized photographs were taken within six months. Copy of confirmed air ticket to show proof of travel arrangements. Confirmed hotel reservation in Iraq as proof of intention to leave the country when intended.

Confirmation letter from employer detailing duties and salary, including date(s) of employment and length(s), if applicable. Bank statement with proof of sufficient funds to cover travel costs and living expenses while staying in Iraq. Letter(s) explaining the purpose for travelling to Iraq (academic purposes, tourist activities etc.). Proof of relationship status, if applicable, e.g., spouse's name on airline tickets or hotel reservation confirmation email. You have completed forms submitted in person at the Embassy. Tourist Visa Fees Standard Thai Tourist Visa fees depend on how long you intend to stay. For stays under 30 days, it is $160 per person.

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