Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Yes, You need to have a Paraguay Visa to explore Paraguay. You are not allowed to enter Paraguay if you don’t have your passport stamped. You can get a visa from the Paraguay consulate in your country.

Paraguay Visa is a legal document that gives access to travelers across the globe to travel to Paraguay.

There are two types of paraguay visas that are issued one is single type and other is multiple entry visa . Both of these visa are issued for 90 days.which can be extendable n.

Paraguay got Rejected if the person is Providing incomplete information or incomplete documentation .

Yes, getting to Paraguay is not a big deal, all you need to do is just complete the documentation process by filling in all the valid information.

Service charges are not under Paraguay Embassy. The embassy does not interfere in Various affairs such as Judicial Furnishing various information regarding Visa Residence, employment in the United State of America Not Authorized in Providing financial support which includes tickets and transportation
