A region of West Africa that is sometimes overlooked, Sierra Leone and neighbouring Liberia are known for their horrific civil conflicts and black market diamond trade. Both nations are coming out of hiding now that the conflicts have long been over, giving adventurous African aficionados the opportunity to view a long-hidden aspect of the continent. Discover the fascinating tribal customs of long-established ethnic groupings on one of our Sierra Leone vacations or trips. Additionally, you may approach chimpanzees up close and look for pygmy hippos. Explore eerie settlements, get to know the kind locals, and relish the feeling of blazing new trails through a sparsely travelled region of the earth. The residents here are as interested in you as you might be in them. The nation's capital, Freetown, is a great site to start your adventures since it cascades down the lush Western Area hills, down to the edge of its own horseshoe bay. It's a small-scale version of Sierra Leone, with a mix of bustling port activity (the city is home to one of the largest natural deep-water ports on the planet) and relaxed seaside living. As you travel between the fine sands of Lakka Beach and Lumley, through the party area of Aberdeen, and out to the industrial sprawl of the suburbs, you'll understand what we mean.