Documents Required for Swaziland Visa

  • In order to visit Swaziland, regardless of whether you need a visa or not, you must present the following documents:
  • The passport must be current for at least six months.
  • For the duration of your trip, documentation of travel insurance.
  • evidence that you have the resources necessary to maintain yourself (e.g. a bank statement or payslip).
  • evidence of your travel objectives.
  • If you are not looking for work, requesting for an extension of your visa, or seeking a residence permit, you must provide evidence that you will return to your home country.
  • If you are considered to constitute a threat to domestic security, intercommunity relations, public health, public order, or foreign relations, Swaziland may refuse your entry. If you are the target of an EU or EFTA travel ban, you can also be refused admission
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